Meanwhile, last December, video channel People Make Games ran an investigation into the developer of Roblox resulting in some concerning revelations about child safety. Here players can discuss sexually explicit topics and engage in virtual sex. 1:00 AM PT TMZ/Getty Kim Kardashian and Ray J 's sex tape was a success right out of the gate, making more than a million bucks in the first 6 weeks after its release. In February of this year, the BBC released a report showing that Roblox contains sexually explicit games often known as "condos". This is not the first time Roblox has made headlines for its content. We also swiftly took down the associated experience and banned the community developer involved with the incident." "The text reference to the tape that got around our filters was quickly taken down and fortunately visible only to an extremely small number of people on the platform.

"The referenced video was never available on our platform-we have strict moderation and policies to protect our community, including zero tolerance for sexual content of any kind which violates our Community Rules," the statement reads.

Kim ended the episode saying, "I have all the time, all the money, and all of the resources to burn them all to the fucking ground" (and thus the episode got its name).įollowing the show's airing on the 14th of April, Roblox released a statement addressing the ad. "And it was a game that someone made of Roblox and it said, ‘Kim's New Sex Tape' when you clicked on it." "Saint was on Roblox yesterday and a fucking thing popped up and he started laughing and was like ‘mummy look' and it was a picture of my cry face," Kim cried (via Polygon). She also called Saint's father to talk about the situation. "Had my son been a bit older and been able to read, like, I would've been mortified, but I died inside." "It was clickbait insinuating that if you click on it, there was gonna be a new sex tape coming out," she said. New Kim Kardashian Sex Tape Leaked from Paris Robbery Back to the tape, enough with the lame details Let us give you what you came for. In the same episode, Kim went into more detail about what she saw on her son's device. The clip itself was shared on Twitter by ShannonSharpeee (thanks, Kotaku), and can be watched below. When Saint explained the ad was in a Roblox game, Kim immediately responded, "Oh, it's a game? Then we're suing them if it's a game with my name and picture." Kim then stated that the ad in question claimed to have additional unreleased footage of her 2007 sex tape in it. In a recent episode of The Kardashians (titled "Burn Them All to the Fucking Ground"), Kim was shown to be upset and confused when her son, Saint West, alerted her to his find.
Plus not the couple have three kids and they probably want to hide that part of her life from them.Kim Kardashian has threatened to sue Roblox, after her son discovered an image of the star's crying face within the game, as part of an ad which suggested it was for "Kim's new sex tape". Everyone is already hating on him for getting to tap Mrs. Surely the rumors that he wants to make another tape with her are false – there is no way Kanye would put himself out there like that to be criticized by the public. Even the normally egotistic Kanye West has turned a blind eye to her past – probably because he’s struck blind by her beauty! Plus, “Kimye” is worth millions and millions of dollars. To her credit though, she’s moved past this, and has made a bustling career out of her good fashion sense and socialite credentials. I have.” – Kim’s letter to the public last year, March, 2016. I shouldn’t have to constantly be on the defense, listing off my accomplishments just to prove that I am more than something that happened 13 years ago. I lived through the embarrassment and fear, and decided to say who cares, do better, move on.

And people still want to talk about it?!?! Yes, a sex tape that was made 13 years ago. 07:00, Bookmark Kim Kardashian shot to fame in 2007 following the release of her notorious sex tape which continued to haunt her for years to come. The company issued a press release at the time saying they purchased the tape from a 'third party' for 1. “It always seems to come back around to my sex tape. The tape, Kim Kardashian, Superstar, was released in March 2007 by Vivid Entertainment. She’s been practically under attack by the paparazzi because of it.